Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Strategic Planning -- An Engaging Process

The latest program in Boardstar’s podcast series features an interview with me on the role of the board in strategic planning. The interview, led by Pat Wyzbinski of the Nonprofit Management Fund covers the following topics: use of an outside facilitator, how long does a strategic planning process take?, benefits of board and staff involvement in information gathering activities for strategic planning, growing interest in accelerated strategic planning, key components of an effective strategic planning process, composition of the strategic planning committee, including the value of involving "outsiders" in the planning process, measuring progress in implementing a strategic plan. You can listen to this podcast and download it to your computer, iPod or MP3 player at http://www.smallpackageproductions.com. The Board star program was recently featured as a noteworthy website in our regular Picks of the Week. Go to: http://www.boardstar.org/mc/page.do.