Lack of time - In order to play a
visionary leadership role, board members need the time to do the work of the
board: attend meetings, serve on committees, read materials and maintain
contact with each other in between meetings. This puts pressure on the board to
do everything it can to organize for maximum effectiveness and avoid wasting
time on trivial matters. This also challenges the board to recruit leaders who
are able and willing to make the required time commitment.
Avoidance of
- To be innovative and creative in its decision making, a nonprofit board must
be willing to take chances, to try new things, to take risks. This risk-taking
flies in the face of the conventional wisdom about board stewardship
responsibilities. Success in new programmatic ventures is never guaranteed.
Boards need to acknowledge this tension point and discuss it with funders,
donors and other key supporters. Board leaders must strike a balance between
taking risks and remaining true to their traditional stewardship role. It will
also help to remember that holding on to the status quo can be a greater risk
than trying something new.
Lack of board
involvement in strategic thinking, planning and decision making - More than any
other activity, strategic planning offers boards an opportunity to closely
examine the changes and trends that will have the greatest impact on their
nonprofits and their ability to make a real difference in the lives of the
people and communities they serve. Based on this analysis, boards are then able
to devise strategies to effectively respond to new challenges. This opportunity
to reflect together on the big issues facing the organization leads to new
vision and a sense of future direction, as well as the energy to move forward.
Some boards are not involved in strategic planning at all. Some are involved
but only superficially. When this happens, the board loses an important
opportunity to hone and exercise its visionary leadership skills. And we’re not
just talking about the formal structured planning process but rather all of the
opportunities the board has to engage in strategic thinking and decision making
on an ongoing basis.
Lack of knowledge in
an increasingly complex world - The world is much more complex today for nonprofits.
Busy board members frequently lack a deep understanding of critical changes,
trends and developments that challenge fundamental assumptions about how they
define the work of the board and what success looks like. Today, we see this
shift most dramatically in the fields of health, education and economic
development. Often, this lack of knowledge results in a lack of confidence on
the part of the board to act decisively and authoritatively.
Micro-management - There is the story
about the city council of a major American city spending almost an entire
meeting deciding what color to paint the seats in the new stadium. Think of the
seemingly intractable problems facing this and other cities today-unemployment,
low student achievement, crumbling infrastructure. A time for bold, decisive
action, if there ever was one!. Where was the leadership?
Practically all of us have hair-raising
stories about boards that spent untold hours discussing trivial subjects while
neglecting major governance issues deserving more thoughtful deliberation. It
is essential that boards focus attention on the roles they are called to play
in order to maximize mission impact. This means the board must avoid the
temptation to micro-manage or meddle in areas that are more appropriately
handled by staff or its own committees. The average board, meeting monthly for
one- and- a- half hours, has approximately eighteen18 hours of meeting time per
year to make all of the major governance decisions and still find the time to
address new critical issues that are sure to emerge. It is simply impossible to
do an effective job within those eighteen18 hours of meeting time if precious
minutes are devoted to non-governance matters. In addition, a habit of board
micro-management can adversely affect the morale of staff and the board's own
committees as well.
Holding on to the old
- In their book The Accelerating
Organization, authors Arun Maira and Peter Scott-Morgan state that one
principle of survival scientists have observed in natural systems is the
continuous shedding of operating rules that cease to be relevant because of
changing environmental conditions. Organizations, they surmise, "can hold
only a small number of rules and operations at any time so they must have the
ability to shed old rules to make room for the new. Shedding becomes more
complicated in systems involving human beings because their sense of self-
worth is often attached to many old rules." This all-too-human tendency to
hold on to what we know can prevent boards from considering and pursuing new
opportunities that conflict with some of the old rules.
Failure to see
strategic thinking as the board's primary governance responsibility - Sometimes boards
assume that it's the job of the executive director to do the visionary
thinking. While boards rightly expect executive directors to be visionary,
strategic and decisive, this doesn't mean that the board sits and waits for
direction and inspiration. This lack of clarity can result in boards that don't
exercise visionary leadership because they don't think it's their job. But it
is! In fact, it's at the very heart of what it means to govern.
We didn't have to be
visionary in a less-competitive past - Time was when clients, members, donors and
consumers would just walk in the door on their own—or so it seemed. Viewing
things in this way, boards didn't consider marketplace pressures, or for that
matter the existence of a competitive marketplace. Those days are gone forever.
For many boards, however, their leadership style hasn't kept pace with these
new realities.
Some of these barriers will be familiar. All can be overcome. What is really required is a fundamental reorganization of board structure and process in order to position the board for strategic leadership. In a future post, we'll look at five strategies that can help your board adopt a visionary leadership style.